The first year of teaching just felt like a whirlwind. I had to learn so many things on the spot! Everything from managing a challenging group of students who definitely put my patience to the test each and everyday to interacting with parents in my second language. Things college just cannot prepare you for… However, this year is a different story. First year: just keep your head above water, don’t drown. Second year: change, improve, refine, go deeper. This year, I want to take the things I did last year in my classroom and make them that much better!
(same theme, just a few added things)
By the end of last year, I knew I had learned so much regarding management! Through trial and error, as well as advice from fellow teachers and mentors I learned how to relate to my students, how to understand their craziness, and how to call on God for extra patience daily. Yet, I am still learning how unique God made each child and each class, for that matter. My students this year are relational, communicative, intelligent, involved and SO different from my class last year. I am excited for the opportunity to get to know, love, and learn from this new group of students.
God gives us opportunities to grow each and every day. Personally, I am so excited to take advantage of these opportunities and get closer to Him this year as I serve at ECA.
Fun Moments:
1. The other weekend, I went down to a friend’s apartment with 2 other teachers from ECA. We made dinner, learned how to make Mora Juice (delicious fruit juice), chatted (in Spanish), and played a game. This game was somewhat similar to the card game, Spoons, if you’re familiar with it. However, if you lose a round, instead of just getting a letter to spell out “s-p-o-o-n-s,” you get a letter written in sharpie on your forearm that spells out “i-d-i-o-t-a.” Well….guess who lost? Me. So that was fun to walk around with on my arm.
(making Mora juice is messy)
2. At ECA, the missionary teachers can take Spanish class and this year I got to move up a level in Spanish! Yay!
3. Spending a Saturday with my Colombian family preparing a goodbye party for the older son as he heads off to college in the U.S.
4. On picture day, as I sat in the chair having my picture taken, all my 4th grade girls piled up in front of the window to watch me have my picture taken and all said “Awwwww” as if I was a cute baby or something. Thanks girls!
5. Last weekend, I was able to go to the Young Adults Bible Study at my new church and was able to meet some really great people who are my age outside of ECA.
Prayer Requests:
1. Health- I still haven’t quite felt 100% since when I was sick at the beginning of the year.
2. Teacher Retreat- As I said, we will be going to Giradot next weekend to discuss our school-wide theme of LOVE.
3. Students- Pray that I would be able to quickly develop relationships with my students.
4. Quiet time- Pray that I would be diligent in having my quiet time with the Lord each day as I get back into the pace of life here .
5. Support- As I start this new year I have to be mindful of my financial support. Please pray that God would provide what I need and that I’d be patient and trust Him. If you are interested in supporting me, please email me at
Thanks for reading!! Much love from Colombia.
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