I go! I am now entering the world of blogging! I will admit I have no clue what I'm doing, so just bear with me here readers.
I decided to start this blog in order to keep all my lovely fans...excuse me, supporters informed on what all I am doing. As most of you know, "what all i am doing" is leaving for BOGOTA, COLOMBIA IN 6 DAYS! Yes, you read it correctly! 6 days! While in Colombia, I will be teaching 4th graders at El Camino Academy. If you want to hear how that all came to be just click on that little tab above that says "My Story."
Anyway, so many thoughts and feelings have been running through my head as I prepare to leave for Colombia in 6 short days. Just to name a few... stress, excitement, and yes, I am a bit overwhelmed! This last week in the states will be spent packing (my least favorite activity in the world), taking a few extra trips to Target to get last minute things, spending time with friends and family, dealing with super fun paperwork and the like... Oh! And of course getting in those last meals at Chick-fil-a and Portillos!
However, in all honesty I truly am elated to finally be venturing out on the trip that I have waited so long for, to finally head to Bogotá as a missionary! It has been a long road, but the Lord has been so faithful in showing me exactly where He wants me and exactly what He wants me to do. I am excited to be His hands and feet in Colombia.
Please pray for me as I continue to prepare to leave! More updates to come :)
That's mah girl! I'm so proud of you and I am personally excited for chick-fil-a ;)